What To Do After Extracting a Tooth?

What You Should (Or Should Not) Do After A Tooth Removal

After you've had a tooth removed or extracted, there are several precautions that you will need to take. Doing certain things for a couple of days can help with the recovery and healing.



Bite on a Gauze for 30 Minutes

The bleeding should slow down or come to a stop. If bleeding continues, use a new gauze and bite down for another 30 minutes.


Take your Painkillers/Medication as Prescribed by the Doctor

Remember to take the medication as prescribed and inform us of any medicine allergies.


Have Adequate Rest

Rest and recover well. Avoid strenous exercise for a couple of days.


Keep the Extraction Site Clean

Try not to brush around the extraction site until the wound is healed. You may use a mouthwash.


No spitting and gargling

Don't Spit or Gargle

Spitting or gargling might dislodge the blood clot formed to stop the bleeding. This may lead to a dry socket (painful condition from the blood clot failing to form).

No hot or spicy

Don't Eat or Drink Hot or Spicy Foods/Drinks

This may lead to more bleeding and discomfort at the extraction site.

No straws

Don't Drink With a Straw

This may also lead to the dislodge of the blood clot.

No eating on same side

Don't Eat on the Same Side as the Extraction Site

Avoid disturbing the extraction site.

No smoking

Don't Smoke

Smoking can break down the blood clot and slow down healing.